
Our group mainly focus on the fundamental researches of Membrane Biophysics and Nano-Bio Interface as well as their potential applications in Nanomedicine. Currently, our researches use molecular simulations, and expand gradually to include molecular cell biology experiments.

1. Screen/Design Drug Candidates with Molecular Docking and Protein-Protein Docking. Our interests here include drug repropursing, the modernization of Chinese Medicine, and AI-based tool development.

2. Reveal the Melocular Mechanisms for the Structure and Dynamics of Cell Membrane. Intra-leaflet and inter-leaflet couplings related to nanoscale dynamic membrane domains (“lipid rafts”), as well as their biological significance will be our research focus.

3. Probe the Detailed Interactions between Nanoparticle-Drug Conjugate/Lipid Nanobubbles and Cell Membrane. In this part, we aim to regulate the dynamics of membrane domains and membrane proteins in a controllable manner with Nanoparticle-Drug Conjugate/Lipid Nanobubbles.

Computational Resources @ Our Group: 7 workstations with 172 Intel Xeon CPU cores + purchased computer time @ National Supercomputing Center.

Shared Experimental Resources @ Our Center: